Ted Williams bought a camera before an interailing trip through Eastern Europe. It was only when he started documenting the events of the journey that he discovered his natural talent and passion for photography. Soon after, Ted began to find the nature of digital photography caused him to think too disposably about his pictures so he switched film. He’s has never looked back.
Whilst living in Kent, a friend invited Ted to a warehouse party in Peckham, South London. The party began after the last train home so Ted decided to stay at the party all night and take some photos. The next day, after uploading them to facebook, it wasn’t long before he recieved 2000 tag requests and hundreds of messages. Vice Magazine got in touch and asked permission to publish them. A short lived realtionship began, before connections were severed after disputes over the quality of his images (Vice complained his photos were ‘too good’ to be ‘Vice’!).
Williams has recently started printing his own photos in his dark room near Peckham Rye (using a 100 year old process I might add) and has received requests from several galleries to exhibit his work. Check out his website for more, he’s caught some impressive portrait shots ranging from Quentin Tarantino and Penelope Cruz to Gordon Brown.